Friday, November 21, 2008

Snow! Yay!

OK, it's a "Delaware Decorative Snow" - The kind of snow that gilds the houses and cars, frosts the grass and trees, but otherwise has no impact on life. It's a lovely thing - Pretty and harmless both at once.

Suka, however, has decided that snow is an invitation to roll. In the back yard, the soft green-white blanket is stippled by dark green circles where Suka has flipped onto her side in her curious approach to a good back scratching, then proceded to roll onto her back for a vigorous, wriggling, foot-kicking roll-n-scratch. Anywhere there was a good coating of snow, there's a nice smooshed-down patch where she went and had herself a party. ;-)

I can hardly wait until we get a proper depth of snow - I'm expecting a proper snow monster to go with the precipitation.

The snow's cleared out, and the stars are crisp and clear. The air has that sharp prickling bite to the nostrils which means real cold is coming - No clouds, no heat retention, and the thermometer is plunging. I'm due at The Farm tomorrow to sort a dog food donation - I'll be dressing heavy.


AKDD said...

You can't blame her... she's probably been in snow-deprivation mode for WEEKS now.

MaskedMan said...

No doubt.

It's gonna get worse, too, I fear. The snow was rather early for us, and the rain has wiped it out completely. She's definately grown her undercoat back in, but it's kinda overkill for our average weather. Poor girl - It's been like wearing a mink coat to a track meet for her. The cold has no doubt come as a blessed relief.