It's been raining.

OK, so this was all just an excuse to post a cute picture of a repentantly muddy beast... ;-)
Anyway, mad scramble to clean up the dog before Ian and I headed off to collect Jenn again. She wears formal black when performing, and I was quite sure she'd have been less-than-charmed to have been greeted by the ambulatory mud-clod on her return.
Needless to say, when we returned, guess who was outside and playing in the rain and mud again..? Teenagers... Not only not quite bright enough to come in out of the rain, but also crazy enough to go right back out into it as soon as your back is turned. :-p Fortunately, I saw what was up before we opened the front door, and was able to intercept Suka before she splashed Jenn, whom made an inspired sneak-n-dash upstairs before the dog could enthusiastically greet her in a very muddy fashion.
And just so you know; This is what Suka looks like after being cleaned. The second time.

Much, much rain. Seattle weather, to be honest. :-p
Jenn was out at one of her Chorale's performances this evening, in the pounding rain. I left Lin in charge of herself and Suka whilst I took Ian with me to deliver Jenn to her car pool to the performance. I come back to find that Lin and Suka have taken the opportunity to play in the rain (They're a matched set of lunatics, IMO). Anyway: dog; outside; pouring rain... I'm sure y'all know where this is headed...
This is what happens when it rains...
OK, so this was all just an excuse to post a cute picture of a repentantly muddy beast... ;-)
Anyway, mad scramble to clean up the dog before Ian and I headed off to collect Jenn again. She wears formal black when performing, and I was quite sure she'd have been less-than-charmed to have been greeted by the ambulatory mud-clod on her return.
Needless to say, when we returned, guess who was outside and playing in the rain and mud again..? Teenagers... Not only not quite bright enough to come in out of the rain, but also crazy enough to go right back out into it as soon as your back is turned. :-p Fortunately, I saw what was up before we opened the front door, and was able to intercept Suka before she splashed Jenn, whom made an inspired sneak-n-dash upstairs before the dog could enthusiastically greet her in a very muddy fashion.
And just so you know; This is what Suka looks like after being cleaned. The second time.
All better now - Time to nap.
That's all. :-p
awwww, what a great photo of Suka sleeping. She must have had a wonderful time playing in the rain with Lin. Lucky lucky Suka.
Oh, yes, they have great fun together. ;-) Lin is in an early-teen 'angsty' stage, and uses Suka as an excuse to get away from all those annoying people in the house - Most especially her brother! Well, that, and she likes playing with Suka under any circumstances.
Suka doesn't care, either way - All she knows is that she's going out to play! Unfortunately, Lin hasn't yet twigged to the fact that 'rain==mud.' Or, at least, hasn't forethought towards our reaction when greeted by what amounts to a muddy bath when the dog comes back in... Well, next time, she gets to clean Suka!
Mixed rain and fair today... guess what I found awaiting me when I got home..? ;-D
Eldest child is learning to bathe the pooch now. :-p
bathing dogs can be therapeutic. bathing dogs can be a learning experience.
It could be either... In this case, it was just wet and muddy.
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