Saturday, September 26, 2009


In the predawn twilight, four glowing eyes rush.

Back, forwards, hints of glinting teeth and growling and fierce postures, the furry bodies race each other.

Suka has learned to play.


Anonymous said...

Thats wonderfull!!!

Holly said...

*deep contented sigh*

that is so satisfying. Good for her, she sounds like a cautious soul.

this is a huge step.

MaskedMan said...

'Cautious.' Yes, I do think you've touched on it, there.

It was a joy, despite the early hour, to see the pair of them together like that. I've worried, despite her progress, that adding Dakota was a mistake. I see now that she's exposing parts of Suka's personality that had lain dormant. Suka is still my satelite dog, and still sleeps on my feet, but now there is a new dimension to her that I'd despaired of ever seeing.

MaskedMan said...

Oh, by the way:

In the predown hour, both dog's eyes glow red-orange. Not the usual color.

Holly said...

it is so touching for me when I see dogs blossom......give Suka a pet and a scritch from me.