The Farm itself is charming, in a typical farm kind of way... It's practical, but with surprising touches, like the fancywork on and in the house. No one needs, say, cute chimneys, but it has them anyway!
Victory Farm
Mind you, this is not a large farm, and its major crop is rescued Border Collies, trained Border Collies, and trained Handlers. But it does have some livestock - Sheep for the dogs practice on, and to provide some limited fibre. Some goats, a couple cattle, a llama, a horse, and recently added, a pair of refugee miniature horses. Plus cats. And chickens. And... Oh, yeah, dogs. Musn't forget about those!
Sheep! And More Sheep. And goats. And Mini-horses in the distance!
Anyway, a large part of what I was down at The Farm to do today was to unload and stow a food donation. Once again, there was a strange assortment of donated items - Rabbit food, strange dog toys, training goop for race horses, and so on. The trailer had been largely unloaded over the last few weeks, but with me there, it could be finished up and the trailer made ready for, well, transporting livestock. Go figure - Using the trailer for it's intended purpose? Heresy!
Mostly empty...
Even before the trailer was fully empty, I had a fairly intimidating Wall o'Food built in the feed shed:
The Wall o'Food. Which will not last long...
Anyway, as I've said before, we get some fairly silly things. Lest anyone think it's not possible to go too far in pampering one's pets, I present...
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
Oh, and in case anyone was wondering... I got a replacement camera for my birthday. Yay!